This is a soluble complex of potassium humate and L-PGA. The potassium humate is a long chain carbon molecular structure derived from leonardite in solution with the nitrogen use efficiency biostimulant L-PGA (Pidolic Acid).
Humic acids are the larger (10,000 – 100,000 molecular weight) sister molecules to fulvic acids (1,000 – 10,000) and work predominantly in the soil where applications readily unlock soil nutrients and binding to them and making them readily available for plant utilisation via soil fungi. They can also chelate toxic soil materials to prevent them entering the plant system. They are soluble in water at pH levels above 7 (they are insoluble below this). The humates in HUMIX PGA are bound to the potassium mineral and thus deliver a pure form of bioavailable potassium to the plant. They can be applied as a foliar to to increase the cell wall permeability to allow nutrients to be taken in especially when complexed with fulvates.
- Enhanced nutrient uptake
- Increased nutrient availability
- Increased yield
- Efficient delivery of potassium
- Increased brix levels
- Improved water use efficiency
- Enhanced root and shoot biomass
- Supports soil fungal growth reducing harmful pathogens
- Maximise nitrogen use efficiency – increased uptake and assimilation.
Humic acids along with fulic and ulmic acids are supportive nutrition for beneficial fungi in the soil maximising plant available nutrients.